Men's Advance will take place March 28-29 at Lake Geneva Christian Center in Alexandria, MN. Homestead has pre-purchased a block of dorm style rooms, so for those who would like to stay with our group, please use this form. These are available on a first-come first-serve basis. This $150 registration includes the conference, Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast & lunch, and your lodging.

If you prefer to find your own lodging, or can only attend a portion of the conference, please sign up directly at www.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about financial assistance, please contact Pastor Jeff Merricks at 

Homestead Church challenges Men to lead and grow in their faith, creating disciples.  Our Men's Group meets Monday evenings from 7-8pm  or Tuesday mornings from 6-7am at church.   Prior to the meeting, you will be reading the designated chapter each day, reflecting on how God is speaking to you through those passages (please refer to the Bible Reading Plan Graphic).  When we meet, we will be discussing the previous week's bible chapter.